Writing Impacts the World in Different Forms and Ways


Writing impacts the world in many different forms and ways, both known and unknown to man. Through writing, man can echo their emotions, as well as their learnings. Through writing, we can communicate to our fellow, so much so of our knowledge and hearts’ content, more than words themselves can express. In speaking, sometimes we can shy away from what we really wanted to comprehend, but in writing, we can be the bestest and truest version of ourselves.

I love writing because it is where I convey my learning – both sectorial and spiritual. In writing, I can be a teacher and a learner at the same time, because it is during the time that I write, that is only the best time for me to meditate and ponder what truly I learned in life, and as I put it into written words, I also began to saw my reflection – something that I never and will never dare to comprehend, unless I am all alone, facing either a computer or a notebook while writing my own thoughts. It is also through writing that I can reach out to many, many more people I haven’t met before. I’ve been writing Christian books and through that, I was introduced to Compassion International, for example, sharing thoughts through blogging, and how we can help children escape poverty and have better futures. You see, through writing, I began blogging with a purpose. Through my blogs, I began sharing my faith with numerous numbers of people, that even to myself are and will always remain unknown.

I always and will forever be smitten and in love with writing.  You see, writing transforms lives and perspectives.

~Madellene Peñaflor


Today's New International Version Bible Free Resource

This Bible Version is not a property of DreamingInTheMoonlight Literary Society e-Life Book and The Shelves. Today's New International Version Bible is provided by the International Bible Society. This repost is for the sole purpose of distributing the Holy Bible for free. These Scriptures have been made available on the Internet for your personal use only at http://www.TNIV.info