Digital Entrepreneurship: What It Can do?

I always believe in Digital entrepreneurship and what it can do. Digital entrepreneurship or the Digital 
Revolution in business changes the game in the business industry radically – from the perspectives of the business owners, up to the onset behavior of customers, it became now different compared to the time before Covid-19 happens. 

Once upon a time, people still need to go to malls, restaurants or physical stores in order to buy what 
they need, and in doing so, they have to experience the hassle in traffic, the trouble of the weather and 
the stressed of bringing baggage in midst of people on the streets. Somehow, it is really troublesome, but it has to be done, or else, we cannot survive our day without having our own essentials in the cupboard of our homes. However, just as the time, that people began to accept that hard reality, pandemic happens and it swept off all our original beliefs – which everything can only be done through mobility of people. Well, not anymore.

What good Covid-19 brings the world however is it challenges the whole system of our physical world, 
and one great testimony is the business world. Let’s face this truth, restaurants, schools, hospitals, 
grocery stores, book stores and even shopping malls are business being materialized, and look at how it works nowadays. Students can enroll and study via Learning Management System (LMS). Consumers can shop also online. Patients and Outpatients can now do consultation virtually with their doctors. Workforce also shifts from being physically in the office to a hybrid set up of working from home with the use of internet. Meaning to say, all goods and services can now be found in the internet today. All we have to do is browse the web, or do surfing on our social medias and you can find everything you need in just a click. So easy right!

Well, it just takes one genius of someone discovering that Digital Marketing is possible, and the rest is 
history. Look what it did to the world now. Businesses started shifting from physical store to online stores and one of the positive impact of this shift is online marketing or digital marketing is not only limited to once regions because it can reach every part and corners of the world that internet can achieved. Another advantage is that, on the business side, digital marketing cost is relatively cost saving compared to traditional marketing of printing flyers and distributing it on the streets or homes. It will take so much labor and effort as well. For the consumers, it will give them so many choices on the platter because they will discover that there are so many products out there that are yet to discover but they just don’t know because it is somewhere out of their regions. One particular example is in Education. Did you know that you can now shop short online courses in the internet? Through this I even happened to cross paths with Coursera, Udemy, Tutorialspoint, New Skills Academy, Centre of Excellence, and many more. Some to which I take my time to study, while some, I even applied as instructor through launching pre-recorded video courses. One more thing, I even applied and finish internationally acclaimed MBA degree through online platforms and it made possible through crossing school ads from facebook, instagram and LinkedIn.

Here in the Philippines, many Filipinos who lost their jobs because of Covid-19 had been given a second chance when the world discovered online shopping schemes. In fact, there are many food riders here in the country. These food riders delivered food across every homes, and these foods are once served from fast foods and restaurants here in the country. Also, many became instant entrepreneurs when they started launching their own online shops and they are selling thrifty clothes, homemade foods and many, many more.

You see, as digital marketing immerge, innovation also happens and everyone can be creative on how 
they will take advantage of this new form of marketing platform.

Now, when it comes to digital marketing platform, Social Medias like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, 
TikTok, and LinkedIn among others can become really, really helpful. How? Facebook, Instagram and 
LinkedIn allows business owners to manage their own business pages and they can even boost their post so that it can reached numerous amount of people all over the world, and it is possible by paying up advertisements. Through these, they can promote their products and services, even their websites. They can also increase the awareness of their prospect clients that their businesses already exist in the market. TikTok and Twitter, can also boost post the same way. Through helpful SEOs (Search Engine 
Optimization), many groups of people can also click through the businesses’ products by the used of 
helpful keywords that match the search of a single person. Also, when the business’s post goes viral 
through numbers of likes and shares, the same business will experience a complete market turnaround.

See how easy as it seems these all works? This is how Digital entrepreneurship radically changes the 
business game.

~Madellene Peñaflor


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